Covid19 Staffing Pressures in Nursing Homes
Friday January 7, 20227th January 2022: An average 8% of staff in nursing homes are unavailable due to Covid19, an NHI survey informs. A snapshot survey was undertaken with 100 nursing homes to ascertain extent of staff being unavailable due to Covid19. Replicated across the sector, it equates to approximately 2,800 personnel being absent due to the virus.
Private and voluntary nursing homes informed NHI the ultimate contingency measure being implemented to cover absences is staff in nursing homes are working additional shifts and hours to ensure appropriate care and cover is provided to meet residents care needs, as the virus continues to grow across our communities.
Tadhg Daly, NHI CEO states: “Once again staff within our nursing homes have been placed under intense pressure because of Covid19 and have stepped up to their efforts to ensure residents are provided with excellent care. Nursing homes provide person-centered, specialised care on a 24/7 basis and this continues to be achieved in the face of adversity. Staff have endured an extremely difficult two years and very severe pressures continue to present. A huge debt of gratitude is owed towards staff in nursing homes for their outstanding dedication and commitment to care for the most dependent and frail in society.”
Tadhg Daly, NHI CEO, is available for further comment. Media interviews will be facilitated by Michael McGlynn, NHI Communications & Research Executive, who can be contacted at 087 9082970.