Organisation Structure
Organisation Structure
Nursing Homes Ireland represents the interest of its members and the nursing home sector through an effective, democratic governance structure. As the national representative organisation for the Private and Voluntary Nursing Home sector in Ireland, NHI is organised through 10 regional committees with Governance provided by a 12 member Board of Directors.
The 12 member Board, elected annually, consists of the 10 elected regional committee representatives, a national nursing committee representative and a non-executive independent Chairman appointed by the Board. The organisation is structured so that members are encouraged and assisted to play an active part in its deliberations and decision-making processes. The NHI governance structure affords all members membership of one of ten regional committees; each region elects a representative to the Board of Directors.
The regions elect a representative to the National Nursing Committee and a Regional Chair and Regional Secretary. Furthermore, each region elects annually a regional representative to named subcommittees as specified by the Board of Directors. Each of the 10 NHI regions currently directly elect, at their Regional AGM, a representative to three 3 Board subcommittees – Regulatory Affairs, Commercial & Financial Affairs and Public Affairs & Communications.
To encourage and facilitate greater involvement of members in affairs of the organisation, NHI has established subcommittees of the Board of Directors to assist in managing the affairs of the organisation and ensure that all relevant issues are appropriately addressed.
The current NHI Board Subcommittees consist of the following:
- Finance, Risk & Audit Committee
- Legal Affairs Committee
- National Nursing Committee
- Regulatory Affairs Subcommittee
- Commercial & Financial Affairs Subcommittee
- Public Affairs & Communications Subcommittee
Board of Directors
10 Regions
1 Nursing Committee Rep.
1 Chair
NHI Staff
- Finance, Risk & Audit Committee
- Legal Affairs Committee
Regional Committees – Electing 1 person from each region to the Board
Dublin North Region
Dublin Kildare Region
Dublin Wicklow Region
North West Region
North East Region
Mid West Region
West Region
South Region
South East Region
Midlands Region
National Nursing Committee
Regulatory Affairs Subcommittee
Commercial & Financial Affairs Subcommittee
Public Affairs & Communications Subcommittee
Regional Subcommittee Reps. - Electing 1 person from each region on each Subcommittee
Dublin North Region
Dublin Kildare Region
Dublin Wicklow Region
North West Region
North East Region
Mid West Region
West Region
South Region
South East Region
Midlands Region