Carer and older gentleman in glasses enjoying themselves

Become a Member

Who Can Join?

NHI membership is open to any private or voluntary nursing home in the Republic of Ireland. We currently represent over 80% of such homes but are always open to more.

To Register

If you wish to register for membership, please follow this link to do so.

What are the benefits?

  • In-house practice development facilitator and nurse advisor, available to provide support on all clinical and HIQA related queries
  • Policies, procedures, templates
  • Support with HIQA requirements and inspections
  • Support with responding to complaints
  • Guidance documents for compliance with HIQA regulation and seminars on reviewing and responding to draft HIQA reports
  • Access to online edition of Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures (suite of nursing procedures which is updated every 2 years)
  • Member education
    • Webinars (e.g. safeguarding vulnerable persons at risk of abuse, culture and restraint)
    • Regional education days
    • National education days
  • In-house HR advisor to provide sector-specific HR and recruitment advice by telephone/email
  • HR and recruitment information sheets
  • Policies, procedures, templates
  • Support recruitment of staff within NHI member homes
  • Careers in Nursing Homes website – dedicated free website for members to advertise work positions
  • Garda vetting advice and discounted processing
  • Member education
    • Employment law
    • Legal issues in documentation
    • Principles of management in nursing homes
    • Protected disclosures
  • Contract for care template and telephone/email advice for members
  • NHSS/Fair Deal rate trends, NHI pricing adjustment model
  • Fair Deal update and stats
  • Negotiation skills
  • Commercial rates revaluation and appeal support
  • Bed availability updates
  • Planning application updates
  • Advice on motion picture and music licensing
  • Discounted group purchasing and insurance schemes
  • Member education
    • Contract for care
    • Trends in Fair Deal rates
    • NTPF negotiations
    • Commercial rates revaluation
    • NHI pricing adjustment model